Writing Support Services

The Campbell Writing Center is here to help you grow as a writer. We support any writing project at any stage of the writing process.

The Writing Center Offers:

  • Quiet writing space. The Writing Center is located in Wiggins Library, Rm 303.  Come in and spread out your notes at a desk, write drafts, and use the available tools to get your writing projects done.
  • Helpful handouts. We provide an array of quick guide handouts for students to take home including a Writer’s Checklist, Guide to Online Resources, and Can I AI That? We also have reference copies of the The Seagull Handbook, and The Little, Brown Handbook.
  • Classroom Visits. Faculty, if you would like a Writing Center coach to visit your class contact Dr. Sarah Adams. (Students please book coaching sessions below.)
  • Coaching sessions! Our experienced undergraduate writing coaches are here to help you with everything from brainstorming to polishing your final draft. We offer in-person and virtual coaching between 6pm and 9pm M-F. Drop in sessions with Dr. Adams are available Thursday morning from 9am – 11am.


WALK-IN Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday 11 AM – 1 PM


Schedule an Appointment in CU Succeed


Video Tutorials

Video Tutorial: How to schedule an appointment with a Writing Coach



We’re Hiring!

Are you a strong writer? Do you enjoy helping others express their ideas?

Come be a writing center coach. We are hiring writing coaches from any major. Send an email and a short writing sample to Dr. Sarah Adams at sadams@campbell.edu today!



Dr. Sarah Adams
Director, Writing Center
(910) 893-1566


Isaac Jones
Assistant Director, Writing Center
(910) 893-1565