If you have any questions about graduation, please contact the appropriate person. For any outside institution’s graduations taking place at Campbell University please contact our Director of Event and Conferencing Services, Ryan Hoilman.
Campbell University Undergraduate Candidates
- Main Campus Undergraduates: Melissa McLamb (Registrar’s Office)
- Online Education Campus: Rachel Brown
- Camp Lejeune Campus: Deanna Girard
- Fort Liberty/Pope Campus: Ellen Strahan or Faye Thompson
- Raleigh (formerly RTP) Campus: Thomas Owens
Campbell University Graduate and First Professional Candidates
- College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences: Lois Hupfeld or Rachael Watkins
- Divinity School: Elaine Dawson
- Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine: Lou Naylor
- Lundy-Fetterman School of Business: Kendra Sumler
- Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law: Connie Shipman-Newsome or Vanessa Jackson
- School of Education: Sterling Tharrington