Facilities Management Services

Facilities Management offers a wide range of services. Please explore our services below and submit a work order to get started.

Schedule a Work Order Contact Facilities Management 

Auto Shop

The Auto Shop is responsible for the maintenance of all University vehicles, including annual state inspections. For the shop to perform maintenance and/or repairs to University-owned vehicles, call University Facilities Management at 1-910-893-1610.


The carpentry shop is comprised of a highly qualified, friendly staff. The staff provides a diverse collection of services including general repairs and maintenance to all buildings as well as designing, building, and installing most cabinetry and some furniture.


The painting team is responsible for general painting and paint maintenance across campus both inside and outside.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding general maintenance or paint needs, please call Facilities Management at 910-893-1610 Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. If you have an emergency after normal business hours, please call Campus Safety at 910-893-1375.

Central Stores is responsible for maintaining an inventory stock consisting of parts, hardware, and supplies for all Facilities Management departments. Central Stores is also responsible for shipping, receiving, purchasing and accounts payable for all materials of Facilities Management.

The Electrical Department has a staff of electricians who work hard to maintain and repair all of the secondary electrical systems campus-wide, including all indoor and outdoor power and lights. Additional responsibilities include maintenance of emergency generators and elevators. For special events, the electrical staff can provide extra power to make events safe and easy to set up.

If you have any questions or concerns about power, please call 910-893-1610 Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. If you have an emergency after normal business hours, please call campus safety at 910-893-1375.

The General Services Department has a staff of full-time and part-time employees skilled in a myriad of tasks. General Services provides tables, chairs and general set up for all events campus wide as well as assisting in office and furniture moves and taking care of furniture adjustments in all student housing. In addition, General Services maintains storage in our Central Warehouse and facilitates deliveries and pick ups across campus.

If you need assistance or have questions concerning general services, please call Facilities Management at 910-893-1610.

The Grounds Department maintains all 160 acres of Campbell University’s campus. These areas include all turf, parking lots, walkways, formal flower beds and tree trimming.

Any concerns regarding our Grounds Department can be called into Facilities Management at 910-893-1610.

Housekeeping maintains general cleaning of all university facilities. To maintain a clean campus, we employ staff to be on campus at the following times:

5:00am – 2:00pm, Mon – Fri
8:00am – 5:00pm, Mon – Fri
10:00pm – 7:00am, Sun – Thu

In addition to the standard shifts, all additional events on nights and weekends are covered, as needed.

The following duties are performed by the department on a daily basis:

  • Empty trash
  • Dust furniture
  • Sweep floors; mop as necessary
  • Clean restrooms and restock paper supplies
  • Vacuum carpets

Project work, which consists of stripping and waxing of tile floors and shampooing carpets are scheduled as necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding housekeeping, please call Facilities Management at 910-893-1610 Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm.

Housekeeping concerns can be reported to dtickle@allegianceindustries.com.

If you have an emergency after normal business hours, please call Campus Safety at 910-893-1375.

The HVAC Department is one of the more diverse groups in Facilities Management. In addition to maintaining and repairing heating and air systems, HVAC also takes care of dining hall kitchen equipment, energy management, boilers, and building control systems.

If you have any HVAC needs or concerns, please call Facilities Management at 910-893-1610, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. If you have an emergency after hours, please contact Campus Safety at 910-893-1375.

The Mailroom is located in the Facilities Management building at 255 Dr. McKoy Rd. The Mailroom provides campus mail services for Amazon, USPS, UPS, Fed-Ex, and bulk mailings as well as inter departmental mail.

If you have any mail service needs or concerns, please contact the Mailroom at 910-814-5742.

Campbell University Motor Pool is comprised of several vehicles for faculty, staff, and departmental use for university related travel. We have a limited selection of vehicles available.

Our fleet consists of:

  • 6 – Multi passenger vans 
  • 3 – Four-seat golf carts

All vehicle requests must be approved and submitted by your department head.  All drivers must be on Campbell University insurance before driving any Campbell University owned vehicle. Additionally, all persons wanting to drive an 11-passenger van must take an online test.

To apply to be on the Campbell University insurance, please review the requirements and application process below.

Minimum Requirements

  • Must be an employee or student of Campbell University
  • 21 years of age
  • 4 years driving experience

Application Instructions

Please fill out the appropriate forms and carry to your department head. They will need to sign and submit the forms, along with a copy of your driver’s license, by faxing the documents to 1-910-814-4090, sending the documents through campus mail or emailing the documents to dennyd@campbell.edu. Please make sure all information is correct and clearly written.  Once the proper forms and information has been collected it will be submitted to Campbell General Counsel for approval.  This process may take up to 7 days so please make sure you submit the information prior to day of rental.  This will eliminate any scheduling conflicts from not having approved drivers for a trip. Motor Pool will contact you if your application request has been denied. 

Insurance Application and Van Driver Qualifications

The Motor pool does not provide drivers for any trips made by departments. 

To be eligible to drive a University passenger van, an individual must comply with the requirements above. Drivers 25 years or older is preferred for vans, but must be at least 21, and complete the training video found at:https://public.learning.travelers.com/RiskControl/CBT/AvoidingLargeVanRollovers/story.html

Van/Golf Cart Reservation Process

All of our van and golf cart rental requests are made through Trip Direct on School Dude.  Once the request has been submitted, it will be approved or denied according to our inventory during the dates requested.  The vans have a rental fee of $40/day.  The departmental budget code will be charged once the van has been returned.  If the van is not returned on time there will be a late fee assessed to the department budget code.

Link for School Dude where Trip direct can be found is below:

School Dude Login


Please note:

If a trip needs to be cancelled please contact us at Motor Pool.  If the vans are not picked up for a scheduled trip and the trip has not been cancelled the department reserving them will be charged for the trip. 

Pick and Drop off Procedure

The Motor Pool hours of business are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.  The Motor Pool observes all university holiday closures.  Please take note of this when scheduling pickup and/or drop off.  We prefer if a van is being rented, they need to be picked up before 4 pm.   

When the van is picked up during business hours there will be a trip packet that will accompany the driver.  The packet will include the Trip Sheet, insurance card, and keys. The trip sheet logs whom has checked out our facility vans, the van checked out, and how to get in touch with this person. This packet must be returned with the van at time of drop off. The person picking up the van must sign our trip log sheet. Please clearly print name and phone number on this sheet.    

When the time for drop off comes for the van.

During regular business hours, Monday-Friday 8am-5pm the driver can access the motor pool lot behind facilities thru the main gate.   

When dropping off vehicles please park them on the left hand side of the lot against the fence.  This helps us tremendously with our inventory of vehicles.  There is a red drop box in the motor pool parking lot the packet and its contents must be placed box. 

Outside of regular business hours follow procedure below:

Campus Safety’s main office will need to be notified to allow driver access to the Motor Pool lot for drop off of any van and pickup of personal vehicle.  Campus Safety Main Office number 910-893-1375.  After the gate has been opened follow the same process above for parking and key drop off.


Upon departure the fuel level will need to be checked by the driver.  All Campbell owned vehicles have Fuel WEX cards in them on the sun visor.  If a van needs to be refueled the driver will use their assigned WEX card pin and card inside the vehicle they are driving to obtain fuel.


In case of an accident, seek medical attention, if necessary, by calling 911. The driver should then contact the Motor Pool immediately. The Motor Pool Manager will contact the University’s insurance provider. Report the accident to local police and request that an accident report be completed. Follow legal guidelines for exchanging information with other drivers. Do not guarantee a payment or accept responsibility without University authorization.

If the accident occurs while an authorized person is using the vehicle for personal use, the driver’s liability insurance is considered the primary coverage, and the driver should contact his/her insurance provider immediately. 

If an accident occurs it is the driver’s responsibility to inform the Motor Pool Manager at Campbell University as soon as possible.  It is not acceptable to drop off a vehicle and not report damage incurred while driving the vehicle. Failure to report an accident/damage will result in driving privileges being revoked.

Report an Accident




The rental of vans from the motor pool is a privilege.  We operate the motor pool like any other business.  If the rules and procedures of the Motor Pool cannot be followed the group’s van rental privileges will be revoked until further notice.  This applies but is not limited to drop off procedures, driving record, and fuel usage.

Please contact Facilities Management with any questions. Call 910-893-1610.





The Plumbing Department maintains all campus water distribution and sanitary sewer systems In addition to basic plumbing needs and general maintenance, the Plumbing staff take care of all fire pumps, sprinkler systems and back flow prevention devices.

If you have any plumbing concerns or needs, please call Facilities Management at 1-910-893-1610, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

If you have a plumbing emergency after regular business hours, please contact Campus Safety at 1-910-893-1375.

Sanitation / Solid Waste

Trash is emptied daily in all academic, administrative, food service, housing, and athletic areas, as well as public areas and restrooms. This service is provided by a combination of University employees and outside contractors.


Recycling staff are available Monday to Friday (weekends and special events as needed). Please help make Campbell University more environmentally friendly by recycling. Recycling is a big part of keeping this campus clean and resourceful. Please take advantage of this service by reviewing the following list of recyclable items.

  • Mixed paper
  • Cardboard
  • Mixed drink containers including glass, metal, plastic, and aluminum
  • Scrap metal
  • Wood pallets
  • Auto shop materials, such as oil, tires, and batteries
  • Electric shop items, such as bulbs, ballasts and batteries
  • Electronic waste

If you have any questions or needs concerning sanitation and recycling, please call Facilities Management at 910-893-1610.