General Questions

Mailing Address:
PO Box 97
Buies Creek, NC 27506

Physical Address:
McLeod Admissions & Financial Aid Center
40 T.T. Lanier Street
Lillington, NC 27546

Campbell University’s primary toll-free number is 1-800-334-4111.

To contact the Bursar’s Office staff, simply input the last 4 digits of their phone number to be connected.

The primary Bursar’s Office number is 910-893-1244 and our fax number is 910-893-7863.

Cost, Billing & Refunds

Bill clearance is granted to the student when satisfactory financial arrangements have been made for the student’s account to be paid in full for the semester.  A Financial Check-in and Student Financial Responsibility Agreement must be completed and the payment received in order to obtain bill clearance.  Bill clearance is required to move into campus housing and/or begin classes.  

The cost of attendance varies depending upon the program in which you are enrolled and are subject to change each academic year. Please see Tuition & Fees for detailed information.

Students living in a standard residence hall are required to purchase a full meal plan (All-Access Plan). Barker Suites, Jones Hall, Small Hall, and Luby Wood Hall residents must purchase at least the 200 Block meal plan. Fraternity/Greek Housing residents must purchase at least the 100 Block meal plan.  Commuting students and those living in Stadium or Faculty Memorial apartments are not required to purchase a meal plan but may request any plan offered.

Meal plans may be changed within the first 2 weeks of each semester. Requests to change or cancel meal plans after the first 2 weeks will only be considered in extenuating circumstances. New meal plans can be added at any point in the semester. 

To change, cancel or add a meal plan, please submit a meal plan change form electronically. 

Charges are assessed to student accounts mid-July for the fall and mid-November for the spring. 

Paper statements are only mailed to incoming students prior to their first semester of attendance. On-Demand Statements offer a real-time view of the student account and are available at any time online in your TouchNet portal.

Campbell University provides real-time On-Demand Statements within TouchNet which can be viewed at any time. To ensure data security, TouchNet must be accessed through the Self-Service portal. 

A paper statement can be mailed upon request.

Most account charges are generated by course registration, residence hall or meal plan assignment, or at the request of other University offices such as Campus Security, the library, or specific programs. The Bursar’s Office can review your account and answer questions about your bill, payment plans, etc. We can research the origin of the charge and direct you to the appropriate office for additional assistance as needed.

The Bursar’s Office will be glad to change your billing address; however, you must submit a Change of Student Information Form to the Registrar’s Office to update your permanent address. It is important to update address changes immediately to ensure you receive timely communications from Campbell University. These communications include but are not limited to the federal tax form 1098T, student billing statements, financial aid award letters, etc.

Your payment must be received in full or a payment plan set up no later than August 5 for the fall semester and January 5 for the spring semester. Summer payments are due by the first day of class each term. Payment plans are not available for the summer terms. Due dates are indicated on the Bursar’s Office Payment Plans web page.   

Effective July 1, 2021, The Campbell University Bursar’s Office no longer accepts credit or debit card payments in the McLeod Admissions and Financial Aid Center.  

Credit/debit card payments are only accepted online through the TouchNet payment portal.  Campbell University will continue to accept cash and check payments in the Bursar’s Office.  

Cash and check payments on your student account may be made on the second floor of the McLeod Admissions and Financial Aid Center at 40 T.T. Lanier Street, Buies Creek, NC.

Paper checks and money orders may also be mailed to:

P.O. Box 97
Buies Creek, NC 27506

Campus dining locations, the Bookstore, Athletic ticketing, and the Health Center continue to accept card payments.

Parents must first be added as an Authorized User in TouchNet by their student to obtain a username and password to access the site and make a single payment or enroll in a payment plan.

The TouchNet payment gateway accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, associated Debit Cards, and e-checks. Online payments are applied to the student’s account immediately.  Monthly payment plans can be set up as an automatic recurring draft through TouchNet Payment Portal.

For your protection, credit card information will NOT be accepted via telephone, fax, or email.

Due to the sensitive nature of data exchanged, students must access their TouchNet e-commerce page via Campbell University’s Self-Service portal and are required to authenticate their identity with their username and password. Students may grant parents/guardians access to their TouchNet page by adding them as an authorized user.

  • Make online credit card and e-check payments that are posted to the student account immediately.

  • View real-time student account activity.

  • View/print On Demand Statements.

  • Sign-up for eRefunds. Students with credit balances on their account may opt to receive refunds electronically deposited into a checking or savings account of their choice.

  • Add authorized users to give parents/guardians access to your TouchNet account.

Students must have Bill Clearance (BOAP) to attend class. If you are not paying the balance in full before the semester begins, you are required to set up a monthly payment plan through the TouchNet portal before your first payment is processed.  Payment plan options are listed below.

Campbell University Bursar’s Office offers multiple payment options.

  • Option 1: Pay in full no later than August 5 for fall and January 5 for spring
  • Option 2: 2 installments ($30.00 service fee) paid manually via the TouchNet Payment Center.  Fall: 1/2 by August 5 and remainder by September 30.  Spring: 1/2 by January 5 and remainder by February 28.
  • Option 3: 4  installments ($50.00 Service Fee) paid manually via the TouchNet Payment Center.  Fall: 1/4 by August 5, September 5, October 5 and November 5. Spring:  1/4 by January 5, February 5, March 5 and April 5.
  • Option 4: 5 installments ($50.00 Service Fee) paid manually via the TouchNet Payment Center.  Fall: 1/5 by July 5, August 5, September 5, October 5 and November 5. Spring: 1/5 by December 5, January 5, February 5, March 5 and April 5.

*TouchNet will automatically recalculate your monthly payments if the credits or charges change during the semester.  

A refund is issued if there is a negative balance after all tuition, fees, and miscellaneous charges have been processed on your student account. Refunds are only issued after pending financial aid has posted to your account AND the drop/add period has passed. To determine whether you have a credit, please visit your TouchNet account via Self-Service.

Refunds are only issued after pending financial aid has posted to your account AND the drop/add period has passed. Refunds are processed by the Bursar’s Office within 14 days of the date funds post to the student account and generate a credit balance.

ERefunds may take 3 banking days for the deposit to be reflected in your bank account.  Paper checks require additional processing and may take 2-3 weeks to receive by mail. University holidays, banking holidays and inclement weather may delay refund processing.

Please be careful when entering bank information in the TouchNet portal for eRefunds. In the event information is entered incorrectly, your bank will return the funds to the university which generally takes 5 – 10 business days. Campbell University will not reprocess a refund until the funds have been received by the university.

Federal regulations require the refund of credit balances created by Parent PLUS loans to be released to the parent borrower via check. Checks will be mailed to the address provided on the parent loan application.

Account holds cannot be formally released until all charges due to Campbell University are paid in full. Please contact the Collections Coordinator in Student Financial Services to set up a repayment plan.  

Scholarships & Financial Aid

The Bursar’s Office strongly encourages students and parents to contact the Financial Aid Office early to ensure all financial aid deadlines are met and all processes are finalized. Applying early for financial aid and completing necessary processes will ensure financial obligations are met in a timely manner. For more information about financial aid, please contact 1-800-334-4111 Ext. 1244 or 910-893-1244 or by email at sfs@campbell.edu.

A third party refers to an agency such as Vocational Rehab, Military Tuition Assistance, ROTC, etc. Students receiving such benefits should contact Mrs. Laura Stanley for specific instructions at 910-893-1251 or stanleyl@campbell.edu.

If your student account reflects a negative balance after all tuition, fees, and miscellaneous charges have been processed to the account, this indicates a credit. If you have a credit it will be refunded in one of the following ways:

  • eRefund – Enroll in eRefunds via TouchNet. For your protection, TouchNet requires username and password authentication via Self-Service. Enrolling in eRefunds authorizes the deposit of your credit balance into the specified bank account.
  • Paper Check – Students not enrolled in eRefunds will receive a paper check mailed to the home address on file.
  • Parent Loan Credit – Paper refund checks will be processed to the parent borrower for credit balances created by a Parent PLUS loan.
  • Payment Card – If payment was made via debit or credit card during the semester, a credit will be refunded to the payment card first.  
  • Book Bucks – Graduate programs only.  Transfer excess funds to Book Bucks on your Camel Card.

NOTE: The Bursar’s Office strongly encourages students to talk with their parents/guardians prior to enrolling in eRefunds to ensure all educational costs have been considered. Federal regulations require the refund of credit balances created by Parent PLUS loans to be released to the parent borrower in the form of a check.

Outside scholarships are not awarded by the Campbell University Financial Aid Office but by an outside agency. 

Outside scholarship donors should complete the outside scholarship form and mail along with the check to:

Campbell University Bursar’s Office
PO Box 97
Buies Creek, NC  27506

Main Campus Undergraduate – The Camel Direct Textbook Program charge is assessed to the student account each semester.  

AOE/Extended Campus – The Camel Direct Textbook Program charge is assessed to the student account each term.  

Graduate Programs only – Books can be purchased on campus at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore. The Bookstore accepts cash, VISA, and MasterCard payments. Students may complete a “Book Bucks Transfer” form to move excess financial aid funds from their account to their Camel Card. The Camel Card serves as a campus debit card and may be used at the Bookstore for purchases. The Barnes & Noble Bookstore may be contacted at 910-893-1453.

The Bursar’s Office does not issue book vouchers; however, Graduate program students with financial aid in excess of tuition, fees, and other charges may request a “Book Bucks Transfer” from their student account to their Camel Card.

Camel Card

The Camel Card is your student ID card which provides access to housing, meal plan, Camel Bucks and Creek Bucks. The Camel Card can be used as a university debit card when funds are deposited on the card (Creek Bucks) creating a declining balance. Funds may be deposited via the following options:

  • Deposit funds to the student’s card by visiting Campus Card. Setting up an account will allow you to add funds and view all balances.
  • Visit the Bursar’s Office. We accept cash or checks. Be sure to tell the cashier you’re depositing to the Camel Card so it isn’t posted to your student account.
  • Mail a check, money order, or certified funds to the Bursar’s Office. Be sure to note “for deposit to the Camel Card” and include your student ID number on your remittance.
  • Graduate program students may transfer excess financial aid from the student account to the Camel Card. If you have excess financial aid (a credit balance on your student account) complete the “Book Bucks Transfer” form.

In order to obtain a Camel Card, a student must be an accepted applicant or registered student and present a valid picture ID. Staff members must be currently employed with Campbell University and show a valid picture ID. Valid picture ID includes valid driver’s license, state ID and passports. Camel Cards are made in the Bryan Hall Lounge. Camel Cards may be made at various locations on campus during orientation, registration, and other peak periods. Students and guests will be notified of locations during these times.

Graduate Programs only –  Excess financial aid on your student account can be transferred to Book Bucks and loaded on your Camel/Student ID Card . To request a transfer, select the “Book Bucks Transfer” icon on the Bursar’s Office webpage. You will receive an email from the Business Office once your funds have been transferred, at which time you may purchase your books online or in person. Main campus undergraduate and AOE students are not eligible.  

Camel Bucks: Associated with meal plan purchases and are redeemable at all on-campus dining locations. These funds do not carry over from semester to semester. At the end of the semester when the meal plan terminates, any unused Camel Bucks will be erased.

Creek Bucks: Funds  deposited on the Camel card which are redeemable at the Campbell University bookstore, vending, all on-campus dining locations as well as select off-campus establishments. Balances carry forward as long as the student is actively enrolled or employed at Campbell University.


  1. Visit the Campus Card website.
  2. Enter your Campbell username and password, and click Sign In.
  3. Complete steps to add Creek Bucks.


Family & Friends:

  1. Visit the Campus Card website.
  2. Click “Make a guest deposit”.
  3. Enter your student’s first name, last name, and Student ID number (customer number).
  4. Complete steps to add Creek Bucks.

Creek Bucks added to your Camel Card can be used at campus facilities and a variety of local establishments such as:

Campus Facilities

Area Establishments

  • Buffaloe Lanes (Erwin)
  • Hwy 55 Burgers Shakes & Fries
  • Sheetz (Lillington)
  • Subway (Buies Creek)

Disclaimer:  Off-campus participation in Campbell University’s Creek Bucks Program is at the discretion of the vendor and subject to change.  The Bursar’s Office will update the website in a timely manner when a vendor notifies the University they no longer wish to participate in the program; however, off-campus vendors are not required to notify the University. 

The Camel Card declining balance deposits are interchangeable through all semesters. Upon graduation or withdrawal from the university, funds will be returned to the Student Account. If the transfer of funds from the Camel Card to the Student Account creates a credit balance, a refund will be generated. Students are encouraged to verify book costs prior to depositing funds onto the Camel Card as excess funds transferred will not be returned until the student leaves Campbell University.

Cardholders must notify the Campbell University Office of Student Life if their Camel Card is lost or stolen. Their office is located in the Wallace Student Center. Students may also go to the IT Help Desk site and request a new ID card. Upon notification, the lost or stolen card will be deactivated and a new card issued.  Please note: A $15 charge will be added to your student account for each replacement card. 

Liability of a Cardholder will not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) for unauthorized transactions if the loss is reported within one (1) university business day of the actual loss. If a lost or stolen card is not reported within one (1) university business day, the Cardholder will assume liability for unauthorized transactions. Campbell University will assume no liability if the lost or stolen card is not reported within one (1) university business day of the loss or theft.

Cardholders will be charged for all replacement cards. A new card will be issued at no charge to a Cardholder if the magnetic strip will no longer work and/or if the card is older than four (4) years. If a Cardholder’s status as either a student or staff changes; or if the Cardholder’s name changes, a new card will be issued without charge. A new card will only be issued for students and staff when the change has been made effective at the appropriate office.

The following fees will apply to all cardholders with exception of provisions stated in the items above:

  • Initial Card (Undergraduate/Graduate) – No charge
  • Initial Card (Staff/Faculty) – No charge with HR Employee ID Authorization
  • Replacement (per incident) – $15.00
  • Returned checks – $25.00
  • Fees subject to change without notice.


Payment Plan 
A method of spreading tuition payments over a number of months. The typical payment plan covers charges for tuition, room, board and fees.

Electronic commerce which provides the capability to make payments, view billing statements, enroll in a payment plan and sign up for electronic refunds. Campbell University has outsourced e-commerce with TouchNet, a PCI compliant HigherOne Company.