Graduate & Professional Programs

image of student in classroom

Graduate & Professional 

Pursue your advanced degree and prepare to serve and lead your community at the private university of choice in North Carolina.

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College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

The College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences prepares students to excel in the ever-expanding world of health care through degree programs that emphasize interprofessional education, service learning, and personalized training. 

Apply to Pharmacy & Health SciencesVisit college site

image of students in birthing lab

Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine

Campbell Medicine prepares community-based physicians who take a holistic approach to care and who focus on serving rural and underserved populations. 

Apply to Campbell MedicineVisit school site

Lundy-Fetterman School of Business

Campbell Business offers  graduate and professional degrees on its main campus and in downtown Raleigh that serve full-time students and working professionals.

Apply to Campbell BusinessVisit school site

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Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law

Located in downtown Raleigh, Campbell Law School offers its students unmatched networking, externship, and learning opportunities that equip them with superb professional skills and prepare them for purposeful lives of leadership and service.

Apply to Campbell LawVisit school site


College of Arts and Sciences

The College of Arts and Sciences offers graduate education to develop students’ leadership skills across a range of disciplines.

Apply to the MSAL ProgramVisit college site

Undergraduate Programs

Were you looking for undergraduate programs and applications? If yes, visit the links below for undergraduate program information.