Faculty Summer Research Grant

As part of Strategic Initiative 1.7, the annual Summer Research Grant underwent review and reformulation with the goal of creating a more streamlined and articulated process. During the 2017-18 academic year, the Faculty Research Committee made significant revisions to the application procedure, program description, and administration of the program.

Each year, Campbell University awards multiple Summer Research Grants to assist and encourage the research, writing, and publication efforts of faculty. The program is conducted in a collegial spirit appropriate to higher education and the Christian context of Campbell University. The program operates according to the following guidelines:

  • Grants are made in the form of a $2,500 salary stipend.
  • Projects are preferred but not required to reach completion during the summer term of a grant. If a project is part of a longer-term endeavor, this should be clearly indicated during application.
  • It is acknowledged that the summer project will likely not be the only professional activity a faculty member is engaged with at the time. However, acceptance of the grant is taken to mean that significant effort and scholarly attention will be devoted to the project.
  • Other research grants may be held during the term of the Summer Research Grant but may not interfere with the purposes of the Summer Research Grant.
  • Any significant deviation from the terms on which the grant is awarded must be approved in advance or return of any previously disbursed funds to the University will be required.
  • Post-grant reports are required. Failure to provide a post-grant report may result in the loss of the grant and the return of any previously disbursed funds to the University as well as jeopardize future funding.


  • All full-time, 9-month, 10-month and 11-month faculty of Campbell University are eligible for the Summer Research Grant salary stipend.  12-month faculty are not eligible.
  • Faculty must be full-time at the University both during the academic year preceding and the academic year following the summer research activity.
  • Requests from faculty with primary teaching responsibilities at the undergraduate level will be given priority, though applications from graduate and professional faculty are also welcome.
  • Applications requesting funds for course creation, program revision, pedagogical training, or other such activities will not be considered.
View scoring rubric



Faculty members requesting a Summer Research Grant must formally apply for consideration using the Summer Research Grant Application form. Key information about the process is given below.

  • March 15 –Completed applications should be submitted via email to facultyresearch@campbell.edu by midnight, March 15. 
  • Members of the Faculty Research Committee will review applications.
  • April 10 – Award notifications made.
  • December 1 – Recipients will file a post-grant report of approximately 250 words to the Faculty Research Committee (facultyresearch@campbell.edu) no later than December 1 detailing the results and/or status of the project.
Download the application template


Faculty Summer Research Grant Recipients

Ethan Alexander-Davey
Assistant Professor
History, Criminal Justice, and Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: Hobbes Was Not a Contract Theorist

Kathleen Castillo-Clark
Assistant Professor
Professional Education, School of Education and Human Sciences
Project: Practical Guide for Passing the Pearson Foundations of Reading Test

Connie Chester
Assistant Professor
Professional Education, School of Education and Human Sciences
Project: Content Area Educative Teacher Performance Assessments: From Preparation to Completion

Sarah Christie
Associate Professor
Exercise Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: Virtual Reality for the Health and Well-Being of Collegiate Students

Matthew Cox
Assistant Professor
Advocacy, School of Law
Project: Numbers Don’t Lie: Empirically Judging Appellate Court Judges’ Rape Myth Acceptance Attitudes

Thomas P. Dixon
Associate Professor
Christian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: A Forgotten Millennium: The Erasure of Medieval Interpreters in Current Pauline Scholarship

Eric Dunnum
Associate Professor
English, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: Time and Temporality in the Works of Thomas Middleton, Palgrave
Marcus Gadson
Assistant Professor
School of Law
Project: How to Be Originalist When Your State Has Had Multiple Constitutions

Sarah Goforth
Associate Professor
Chemistry & Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: Development of New Pedagogical Organic Laboratory Experiments for
Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions

J. Christopher Havran
Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: Taxonomic and Biographical studies in Hawaii

W. Glenn Jonas
Charles Howard Professor of Religion
Christian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: Billy Kim: Baptist World Alliance Presidency

Alicia Myers
Associate Professor
New Testament and Greek, Divinity School
Project: Sanctified and Sanctifying: Jesus’s Prayer in John 17:17-19 and the Intersection of Purity and Divine Embodiment

Justin Nelson
Assistant Professor
Psychology, School of Education and Human Sciences
Project: Society Without People: The Metaverse and its Social Implications

Caleb Oladipo
Christian Evangelism and Missions, Divinity
Project: Christians in the City of Lagos

Lucas Osborn
Intellectual Property Law, School of Law
Project: Pluralizing the PHOSITA in Patent Law

Raluca Papadima
Assistant Professor
School of Law
Project: Achieving Gender Balance on Boards of Public Companies

Jutta Street
Psychology, School of Education and Human Sciences
Project: Lifespan Development: The Journey from Beginning to End

Sherry Truffin
English, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: Symphony of Destruction: 1980s Thrash Metal and the Apocalyptic Grotesque

E. Bert Wallace
Theatre Arts, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: Medea and Machinal: Modern Theatrical Adaptations

Ran Whitley
Music, College of Arts and Sciences
Project: Duets to Rochut’s Melodious Etudes, Nos. 91-120

Jennifer Bashaw
Assistant Professor
Christian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Scapegoat Hermeneutics

Tony W. Cartledge
Old Testament, Divinity School
Project:  Archaeological Excavation at Tel Shimron, Israel

Connie Chester
Assistant Professor
Professional Education, School of Education and Human Sciences
Project:  Practical Guide to Educational Teaching Portfolio Completion

Thomas P. Dixon
Assistant Professor
Christian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Purifying Judgment: Comparing Restorative Ritual Punishment in Matthew and Paul

Eric Dunnum
Associate Professor
English, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Time and Temporality in the Works of Thomas Middleton Shakespeare and the Local Politics of London 

Sarah Goforth
Associate Professor
Chemistry & Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Ruthenium-catalyzed Oxidations of Benzyl Silyl Ethers

Christopher Havran
Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Revision of Hawaiian Eurya and Biography of Edward Hosaka

Glenn Jonas
Charles Howard Professor of Religion
Christian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  James Archibald Campbell: Pastor, Educator, Visionary

Laura Lunsford
Psychology, School of Education and Human Sciences
Project:  Book – Building Your Academic Mid-Career Toolkit

Mohsen Manesh
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering
Project:  Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Detecting Turfgrass Diseases

Alicia Myers
Associate Professor
New Testament and Greek, Divinity School
Project:  Explorations in New Testament Interpretation: The Gospel of John and Helen Barrett Montgomery

Justin Nelson
Assistant Professor
Sociology, School of Education and Human Sciences
Project:  Book – Society Without People: The Metaverse and its Social Implications

Ryan Newson
Assistant Professor
Christian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Ethics and the Resurrection

Lucas Osborn
Intellectual Property Law, School of Law
Project:  Christianity and Theological Tradition in Shaping Intellectual Property Law

Paula Parker
Associate Professor
Exercise Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  The Fifth Wave and Student-Athlete Activism

Timothy Shenk
Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering
Project:  Continuation of Gel Bead Encapsulation for PFAS Remediation

Sherry Truffin
English, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Gale-Cengage Key Works: “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”

Donna Waldron
Associate Professor
English, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Book – McFarland Companion to Mystery Fiction, Mary Robert’s Rinehart

Bert Wallace
Theatre Arts, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Book – Theatre Appreciation Courses from a Christian Perspective

Ran Whitley
Music, College of Arts and Sciences
Project:  Setting of Anton Bruckner’s Männerchöre Zwei for Brass Quintet


Ethan Alexander-Davey
Assistant Professor of Political Science, CAS
Aristocra8c Souls in Democra8c Times II & Social Theory of Philip Rieff

Jennifer Bashaw
Assistant Professor of New Testament and Christian Ministry, CAS
Book Project: John for Normal People

Thomas Dixon
Assistant Professor of New Testament and Greek, CAS
Book Project: The Wrath of God and Israel: A Study of Judgment and Mercy in Paul

Eric Dunnum
Associate Professor of English, CAS
Playing with Time in Early Modern Drama
Ecologies of Print in Early Modern England

Marcus Gadson
Assistant Professor of Law, Wiggins School of Law
State Constitutional Crisis

Sarah Goforth
Associate Professor of Chemistry, CAS
Development of novel ruthenium-catalyzed oxidation reactions

J. Christopher Havran
Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, CAS
Conservation and Classification of Endemic Hawaiian Plants

Glenn Jonas
Charles Howard Professor of Religion and Associate Dean of the CAS
Factors Affecting CPA Exam Pass Rates in North Carolina
“Mary and the Boss: Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Mary in the Music of Bruce Springsteen

Scott Kelly
Instructor & Director of Entrepreneurship, Lundy-Fetterman School of Business
Optimal Graduate Portfolio

Laura Lunsford
Professor of Psychology and Assistant Dean, School of Education
Mentorship of Talented Youth

Antony Mendez
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Physics, CAS
Radioactive ion beam transport system design & implementation for the SPES facility at the Laboratori Nazionale di Legnaro (LNL) dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)

Gilbert Munoz-Cornejo
Assistant Professor, Security & Computing, CAS
Empirical Investigation into the Cybersecurity Issues Affecting Rural Healthcare Providers in North Carolina

Alicia Myers
Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek, Divinity School
Book Project: The Theology of the Gospel of John

Justin Nelson
Assistant Professor of Sociology, School of Education
Social Integration in the Digital Age

Ryan Newson
Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics, CAS
Politics and Miracle

Lucas Osborn
Professor of Law, Wiggins School of Law
Pluralizing the PHOSITA in Patent Law

Timothy Shenk
Assistant Professor of Engineering, School of Engineering
Gel Bead encapsulation for PFAS remediation

Sherry Truffin
Professor of English, CAS
“The Doors and Windows in our Heads: Language, Cognition, and the Gothic in Jennifer Egan’s The Keep”

Edward Bert Wallace
Professor of Theatre, CAS
Theatrical Playscript for Production and Publication

Ran Whitley
Professor of Music, CAS
Bordogni Quartets, Volume V, Nos. 51-60

David S. Baglia
Lundy-Fetterman School of Business
Factors Affecting CPA Exam Pass Rates in North Carolina

Elizabeth D. Blue
Chemistry & Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Structure and Function Textbook Chapters

Cathy Cowling
Criminal Law, College of Arts and Sciences
Closing the Revolving Door

Thomas Dixon
Christian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Wrath in Romans 9-11

Marcus Alexander Gadson
Wiggins School of Law
Federal Pleading Standards in State Courts

Maggie Horvath
Fine Arts, College of Arts and Sciences
Atmospheric Firing Method

Allison Lee
School of Engineering
Stratified Flow Lab

Laura Lunsford
Psychology, School of Education
On Destructive Leadership

Karen Mishra
Lundy-Fetterman School of Business
Intentional Leadership

Alicia D. Myers
Divinity School
Interpreting Friendship in John 15:12-17

Justin J. Nelson
Psychology, School of Education
Meaning-Seeking and Social Integration

Ryan Newson
Christian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Assessing Calls for Civility

Lucas Osborn
Wiggins School of Law
The Constitutional Limitations on Governors’ Emergency Powers

Ki Ho Park
Fine Art, College of Arts and Sciences
Moderating Effects of Consumer Traits

Mark Steckbeck
Lundy-Fetterman School of Business
Adam Smith and the Importance of Meaningful and Purposeful Life

Pamela J. Strickland
Lundy-Fetterman School of Business
An Examination of the Financial Operating Characteristics

Edward Bert Wallace
Theatre, College of Arts and Sciences
Book Chapter on Musical Theatre

Ran Whitley
Music, College of Arts and Sciences
Bordogni Quartets

Taek You
Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Design and Construction of Inexpensive and Portable Electrophoresis Apparatus

Dr. Sarah Kathryn Goforth
Chemistry and Physics
“Development of Organic Chemistry Textbook”

Dr. Ki Ho Park
Fine Arts
“Retail-tainment”: Effects of the Retailer’s Offering of “Artist Collaboration” Events

Dr. Logan Higginbotham
“Generalized Definitions of Bounded Geometry”

Dr. Justin J. Nelson
“Meaning-Seeking and the Internet”

Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw
Christian Studies
“The Gospels through the Eyes of Victims”

Dr. Thomas P. Dixon
Christian Studies
“Israel, an Anatomy of the World”

Dr. Jennifer Fay Wagstaff
School of Education
“Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) on Campus”

Dr. Ran Whitley
Bordogni Quartets, Volume II, Nos. 21-30

Dr. Taek You
“Cloning and Expression of Human Carbonic Anhydrase in E. coli”

Mr. Lucas Osborn
School of Law
“Policing the Patent-Copyright Boundary”

Dr. Cathy Cowling
Criminal Justice
“Recidivism: Closing the Revolving Door”

Dr. Maggie Horvath
Fine Arts
“Alternative Firings in Ceramics”

Mr. Marcus Alexander Gadson
School of Law
“State Constitutions and Summary Judgment”

Dr. Ryan Newson
Christian Studies
“Politics and Miracle”

Dr. Glenn Jonas
Christian Studies
“John R. Claypool: The Broadway Years”

Mr. E. Bert Wallace
“Adapting Playscripts for Classroom Use and Publication”

Dr. Amy Mattingly
School of Education
“Effect of Reading Course Changes on Student Pass Rates of Reading Foundations Licensure Exam”

Mr. Scott Kelly
Business School
“NC Rural Entrepreneur Project: What Can We Learn from 80 counties?”

Dr. Elizabeth Blue
Chemistry and Physics
“Writing Organic Chemistry Textbook”

Dr. Sarah Christie
Exercise Science
“Interprofessional Objective Structured Teaching Exercise”

Dr. Thomas Dixon
Christian Studies
“God’s Wrath in Romans 9-11”

Dr. Eric Dunnum
“Local Concerns: Locating London Politics in the Plays of Shakespeare”
“Conflicted Audiences: Shrove Tuesday Riots and Apprentices’ Relationship to the Early Modern Stage”

Dr. Maggie Horvath
Fine Art
“Investigations in Contemporary Geometric Beadwork”

Dr. Barry Jones
Divinity School
“Rediscovering the Post-Exilic Prophets in a Post-Christian Age”

Dr. L. Michael Larsen
“Striving Towards a Sustainable World – An Anthology of Environmental Thought and Action”

Dr. Stephanie Mathews
“Microbiome of Self-Sustaining Aquaculture System”

Dr. Shahria Mostashari
Business School
“Live Case Seminar Class among Business School Students”

Dr. Justin J. Nelson
“Understanding iAddiction: A Sociological Analysis of Technological Device Addiction and Attachment in the Digital Age”

Dr. Lucas Osborn
School of Law
“Patentability and Tangibility”

Dr. Ki Ho Park
“Sustainability in Packaging Design”

Dr. Paula Parker
Exercise Science
“Assessing the Effectiveness of Stress Relief Tool Kit for College Students”

Dr. Nicole Rushing
“Assessing the Effectiveness of Stress Relief Tool Kits for College Students”

Dr. Sherry R. Truffin
“Women in Rock/Women in Romanticism”

Dr. Elizabeth Vincent
School of Education
“Promoting College and Career Readiness in Rural High Schools”

Dr. Ran Whitley
“Twelve Instrumental Preludes and Offertories for Christian Worship”

Dr. Dwayne Wilson
“Therapeutic Hand Drumming”

Dr. Jordan Womick
Chemistry and Physics
“Synthesis of a Novel Molecule for Supramolecular Polymerization”

Dr. Taek H. You
“Screening, Cloning and Expression of a Plastic Degrading Enzyme from Bacteria”

Dr. Jennifer Bashaw
Christian Studies, College of Arts & Sciences
“Preaching Mark’s Jesus”

Professor Tuneen Chisolm
School of Law
“When Righteousness Fails: The New Moral Economy Incentive”

Dr. Cathy Cowling
Criminal Justice, College of Arts & Sciences
“Closing the Revolving Door to Prison”

Dr. Thomas Dixon
Christian Studies, College of Arts & Sciences
“God’s Wrath in Romans 9-11”

Dr. Eric Dunnum
English, College of Arts & Sciences
“Performing the Audience: Controlling the Unruly Playgoer”

Dr. Adam C. English
Christian Studies, College of Arts & Sciences
“St. Nicholas Church in Demre, Turkey”

Dr. Sarah Goforth
Chemistry, College of Arts & Sciences
“Ruthenium-Catalyzed Oxidation of Silyl Ethers to Silyl Esters”

Dr. Barry Jones
Old Testament, Divinity School
“Greek Translation of Psalm 90”

Dr. Kathryn Lopez
Christian Studies, College of Arts & Sciences
“Divine Diversity: The Divine Council, Angels and Satan”

Dr. Richard McKee
Music, College of Arts & Sciences
“No Notes? No Fear!”

Dr. Anthony Mendez II
Chemistry, College of Arts & Sciences
“Radioactive Ion Beam Transport System Design and Implementation”

Dr. Kristen Moran
School of Education
“School Counselor and Community Mental Health Provider Collaboration”

Dr. Alicia Myers
New Testament, Divinity School
“Smyth & Helwys Commentary: Reading John and 1, 2, 3 John”

Dr. Ryan Newson
Christian Studies, College of Arts & Sciences
“Theology and Confederate Monuments”

Professor Lucas Osborn
School of Law
“3D Printing and Intellectual Property”

Dr. Ki Ho Park
Art, College of Arts & Sciences
“Identifying Ways of Effective Visual Communication in Cause-Related Marketing”

Dr. LeJon Poole
Healthcare Management, School of Business
“The Diabetes Health Navigator Impact on Behavior Modification”

Dr. Andrew Smith
Music, College of Arts & Sciences
“The Music of Buies Creek Academy and Campbell University”

Dr. Sherry Truffin
English, College of Arts & Sciences
“Gale Cengage Short Story Criticism Series: Joyce Carol Oates”

Professor Bert Wallace
Theatre, College of Arts & Sciences
“Art Appreciation Textbook”

Dr. Ran Whitley
Music, College of Arts & Sciences
“Bordogni Quartets”

Dr. Taek H. You
Biology, College of Arts & Sciences
“Cloning and Expression of Human Melanogenesis Associated Transcription Factor Gene”

College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Internal Research Grants, 2018

Dr. Stephen P. Holly
“Impact of Synthetic Cannabinoids on Human Platelet Function”

Dr. Steven W. Johnson
“Effectiveness of Oral Vancomycin for Primary Prevention of Healthcare Facility-Onset Clostridium Difficile Infection in High-Risk Patients”

Dr. Andrew Muzyk
“A Transformative Learning Experience in Addiction for Health Professions’ Students: A Parallel Convergent Multi-Phase Mixed Methods Approach”

Dr. Miranda A. L. van Tilburg
“Parental Factors in Vaccination Refusal”

School of Osteopathic Medicine Intramural Faculty Projects, 2018

Dr. Terence R. Mitchell
Department of Anatomy, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“The Role of Enterovirus Species in the Pathogenesis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”

Dr. Hong Zhu
Department of Pathophysiology, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“Potentiation of Doxorubicin Tumor-Killing Effects by Vitamin C and the Underlying Mechanisms”

School of Osteopathic Medicine Summer Scholars Program Projects, Summer 2018

Dr. Oleg Alekseev
Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“Analysis of the presence of anti tNASP antibody in the serum of patients with documented different types of gynecological cancers (endometrium, ovary, uterus)”

Dr. Bonnie Brenseke
Department of Pathology, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“Use of 3D Printers in Medical Education with a focus on Pathology”

Dr. Adam Foster
Department of Anatomy, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“Does the triceps surae tendon act like a spring during walking and running?”

Dr. Amy Hinkelman
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“Investigation of gene expression in macrophages using a viral-bacterial coinfection model”

Dr. Warren Lushia
Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“Development of a novel transformation procedure to modify the mitochondrial genome”

Dr. Bruce Newton
Department of Anatomy, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“Stability of affective and cognitive empathy scores as students select specialty choices”

Dr. Howard Reisner
Department of Pathology, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“Detection of NAFLD and NASH in Cadaveric Specimens”

Dr. Kassim Traore
Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, School of Osteopathic Medicine
“Long term exposures sensitize Leydig cells to subsequent MEHP-induced effects”