
Hallmarks Calling

The concept of calling represents a universal invitation to all God’s people to participate in Christ’s redemptive work in the world. While calling is dynamic and may change, our participation in that calling provides an opportunity for us to contribute to God’s goodness in the world in ways unique to who we are. The questions of “who am I, and who am I becoming” that express the hallmark of calling represent a purposeful endeavor for students to consider their design and nature in how they will live faithfully in God’s story. It is in the faithful discovery of calling that character is understood more fully and amplified, and we develop our sense of moral agency.

Sarah Lassiter

Serving the Underserved

Three-time Campbell grad and resident doctor Sarah Lassiter is passionate about serving in a small, medically underserved town like Coats, where patients need and trust a familiar face.

“We refer to family medicine as ‘cradle-to-grave care,’” Lassiter said. “We take care of you from the moment you take your first breath until the minute you die. And that’s the draw for me. I have some patients who I see the mom, the dad, the kids and the grandparents — you become more than just a doctor in those situations. You become a part of their little family unit. If you trust your doctor, you’re more apt to listen to their advice, [or] to tell them your problems — no matter how personal — so they can treat you better and more holistically. I think that’s what Campbell University had in mind when they started the med school.”