Placement Exams

Placement exam registration will open June 1st for Fall courses. Details will be updated on this website before 6/1.

In order to support your academic success, we recommend that entering students take English and/or Math placement exams.  Placement exams assess your academic readiness for each subject and ensure you are placed into courses that will appropriately challenge your readiness.

You have the option to assess your readiness for courses in English, Mathematics & Chemistry by completing placement exams.  Placement exam scores do not grant course credit, rather are used to assess readiness for initial English, Mathematics & Chemistry courses at Campbell.  Placement exams must be completed no later than January 6th in order to be used for Spring course placement.

Campbell’s placement exams are offered through ACCUPLACER and you have a few options for where you complete your placement exam.

  1. On Campus 
    • Main Campus
    • Fort Liberty & Pope Campus
  2. Virtually 
  3. A Testing Center Near You 

If you have official ACT and/or SAT scores you have not yet submitted, please notify the Undergraduate Admissions Office and request to have the official scores sent to Campbell through the ACT and/or the College Board site.  Please discuss with your academic advisor if a placement test is required based on your scores.

If you are anticipating transfer credit for English, Math and/or Chemistry courses, please notify the Undergraduate Admissions Office and request an official transcript from the institution granting the credit to be sent to Campbell.  This includes dual enrolled/early college credit.  We cannot accept coursework for college-level transfer credit from the high school transcript.

On Campus Locations

1. Main Campus – Buies Creek

Placement exams are offered on Main Campus on Monday January 6th. Time and location details will be sent to registrants.

  1. Register and pay for your on-campus ACCUPLACER placement exam/s by completing the form linked below no later than January 6th.
  2. After indicating your interest in completing an in-person exam, you will be prompted to submit payment for your exam/s. The cost of each in-person placement exam is $15.00.
  3. Upon submission of the exam registration and payment to Campbell, you will receive a confirmation email with testing location and details. Please plan to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the start of your exam.

2.  Fort Liberty Campus

Use the links below to schedule Campbell’s ACCUPLACER placement exam/s at the Fort Liberty testing center.  Appointments may be scheduled up to two weeks in advance using the online appointment system linked below: 

Fort Liberty National Testing Center

​Pope National Testing Center 

To access Fort Liberty & Pope, all visitors must have a DOD id or obtain a pass from the visitor’s center. Contact the All American Visitor’s Center to obtain a pass: (910) 432-8193 or

Virtual Testing – Live Proctored

  1. Register and pay for your virtual, live proctored ACCUPLACER placement exam/s by completing the form linked below no later than January 1st.
  2. After indicating your interest in completing a virtual exam, you will be prompted to submit payment for your exam/s. The cost of each virtual placement exam is $30.00.
  3. Upon submission of the exam registration and payment to Campbell, you will receive an email from ACCUPLACER that will include instructions on completing an Meazure Learning profile (for proctoring) and scheduling your placement exam.
  4. Please note, ACCUPLACER exams can only be administered on devices that meet specific equipment requirements.  You can review all equipment requirements and test your device here

In-Person Testing Center Near You

  1. Identify a testing center location that is convenient for you. You can search for your preferred testing center through the “Test Center Locator,” available on the ACCUPLACER College Board website.
  2. Register and pay for your ACCUPLACER placement exam/s by completing the form linked below no later than January 1st.
  3. After indicating your interest in completing a testing center exam, you will be prompted to submit payment for your exam/s. The cost of each testing center placement exam is $15.00. Your chosen test center may apply additional appointment costs.
  4. Upon submission of the exam registration and payment to Campbell, you will receive an email with your placement exam/s voucher, to be redeemed at your preferred test center.
  5. You will be responsible for booking your testing appointment/s with your chosen test center.


Registration and Payment Form

For questions, please contact:

Arts & Sciences:

Business:  Ms. Renee Green /

         Education & Human Sciences:

Engineering:  Ms. Heather Jones /

Pharmacy & Health Sciences:  Ms. Brenda Blackman /

Undeclared, all others: